My boy Marco with the bottom floor hotel rooms getting there....
Here's another crappy shot of the view...LOL
More soon..
Here is the Franklin Jurado truck ON our property..Stoked for sure..
So that will do it for now...The past week has been amazing to say the least...From starting the excavation last week on wednesday to almost finished with the walls on the bottom floor today! WOW...good stuff
We hope to have the first floor roof/second floor Floor..haha in tommorow by the end of the day.
We had to make some minor changes as the house just isn't big enough..hahaha
More later and I will try to write some stories of the happenings as well soon.
Here is Sergio's truck with a now good drive shaft and trailer brakes..LOL A big load of cinder block for the project (projecta) ...easy one..LOL
This was on the bottom of the block on the big truck trailer...ewww...a 6 inch long baby viper...no longer with us..LOL
With a 30 minute drive to get gas I bought an 8 gallon tank to help out with the frequency of the trips...mountain top gas station....
This was a REALLY BIG THING!!! We got Franklin Jurado (the materials company) to take the truck up the mountain to the property....This..($40) to the driver saved us probably 6 trips in our trucks from the bottom of the hill plus man hours....NICE!!
Here is another one of the waterfall at Chad's pool and the estuary behind it....WOW
The square there is one of the future hotel rooms for guests while the main resort is being built.
Another shot of the walls going into place....
The rebar sticking up is where the floor of our upstairs will be..the view is GREAT!!
The material arena and piedra is dropped off at the bottom of the hill and we load our trucks with the excavator or (machino Pala..) Pala is shovel
Here is a view from our property in the early morning after a rain...the mist in the valley is beautiful.
This is Jason with his first Roosterfish ever. A solid 40lb fish caught on a popper!
A sunset shot from Chad's place.
Here is a view of the estuary from our property and isla silva adentro (inside) and isla silva afuera (outside)
Here's the boys working very hard and really excited to be on the cement phase after the long wait for sand (arena) and rock (piedra)
More coming
The excavation done and the final clearing out by manual labor!
The cement mixer that took 62 days from order in Costa Rica to get here after a 31 day hold up at the border. Fit nicely into the toyota though.
more excavator work being done
This is how they bend the rebar to shape it for the columns etc.
more coming
This is a local kid Eric who surfs pretty darn good. This is a wave called Emily's near the surf camp Morro Negrito! I went there for one night to get a break.
This is Eric's little brother who is TEN! A nice turn for a ten year old..
Here is the beggining of the excavation of the bottom floor of the house where the two small hotel rooms for friends and family and future clients will stay to look at our land.
Here is the view from the house when it is done....LOL NICE!!!
More coming
This is our night watchman Maximillo!
A nice little tool shed almost complete
Even the tool shed has a nice view...LOL
Of course when you move dirt and jungle around you come across the locals..LOL A small Boa!
Will try and write more later...
Busy Busy...
The block and rebar will be ordered tommorow as well as the cement and should be delivered sat or monday. Also we have a small load of rock coming for the inside of the shed and a small walkway to the future house to help with storing materials.
The monkey with a monkey...LOL
The view is still very nice....
Moving the road down another 200 yds.
A close up of my good friend Willard Thompson! LOL
another of the kid with the monkey!
more later all!