Monday, July 21, 2008

Here is a photo of Brenna with Paublo (left) who is the "do it all" guy at Chad's place and Juan (right) who is the Chef here. Paublo speaks great English and is a big help in translation duties.

Here is a traditional Brasilian' meal that Ana Paula and Daia cooked for us. It is rice and beans, a salad, and a stew like dish with potatoes and meat. It was very good.

Here is the family and friends of Johnny Hoffmann. Johnny Hoffmann is a fishing guide in Brasil and also the host of his own fishing show called momenta de pesca. Really nice guy and in the photo is also his wife Ana Paula, his son Johnnio, daughter Johanni', there friends as well. Awesome time hangin out with them.

The sunset was quite nice last night and here is a picture of the two Blog stars themselves..LOL

This picture does not due justice....the sunset there and the line of light on the estuary was incredible to say the least....

Well that's it for today..more later

Brenna and Curtis

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Food even looks like it taste better when eaten outside and with friends and family! Can't wait for the next time we can all eat together! I miss you guys (yes, even you Curtis)