Thursday morning (day 3)...
I awoke to a much more relaxed....sort of settled in feeling I guess. It was a nice morning and we ran up to the road to see if the workers were ready for the test "soiltec" to be placed. They were not, but getting close for sure. After a short while we headed down for breakfast and helped the water truck owner get ready to add the solution for the soil tec test. Getting the containers that took a LONG ship ride from the states opened took a bit of "backyard" engineering...big 12" diameter caps made of some type of hard plastic or polyurethane that did not want to unscrew..lol
We used a large screwdriver, a hammer, and good old muscle to get it loose and although it was in pieces it did in fact work! After loading the water truck with 1500 gallons of water and 275 gallons of the solution we were ready to head up the hill for the test. After an hour or so of measuring and re-grading to ensure proper thickness on the road the water truck began it's job of spraying 1800 gallons of solution/water mix on the 100 meter test strip of road. All in all it was a success and with that Kevin, and Kevin, and me went down to the river to the cantina for a couple of beers to fight off the steamy mid day temperatures.
The rest of the afternoon I spent over at Chad's place partaking in cubre' libra's and sashimi...meal meant for gods let me tell ya!!
The Internet had been down the night before and my cell phone works at Chad's so I took advantage of that time in order to catch up with my favorite lady and our little one inside her!!
Things on the home front were....shall we say ....acceptable.lol
It was very hard for my wife Brenna to miss out on this trip...there's few trips that we take apart..That being said she was as per her usual self in control of everything blasting through nursing classes, eating for two, drinking 10 gallons of water a day, studying all night, and somehow still finding time to miss me....Love ya babe!!!
Later in the evening I joined some of Chad's clients for dinner, a few gentleman from Brazil, one whom I have met before named Mr. Beto. An incredibly accomplished and well spoken individual whom spoke Portuguese..his native tongue, Spanish which he said was easy for them, and English as well. He is a fishing "tour guide" and plans trips all over the world for groups and then goes with them...mmmmm...he's on to something huh!!
They had great fishing and we had baked Snook (rovalo) for dinner! It was outstanding. I spent most of the early evening trading stories with Brazilians learning the different cultures all at one table and drinking all matters of potions..wine, rum, seco (seco is a Panamanian sort of vodka) until we all decided that the evening had peaked and the stories would get no better from here on out...certainly less understandable anyway.
Upon saying our good nights I jumped into the rental SUV and bounced down the old CA-1 towards Kevin's house to call it a night. Kevin had headed into David for business and to take the other Kevin from Soiltac back to the airport to go back to Texas. When I arrived at Kevin's I noticed a lack of uhhh LIGHT...uh oh...yep, the power had gone out..no problem during the day, but third night in country with no A/C is no bueno (no good..lol) I decided to head to the only cold place I knew of .....the cantina....that's right, cold beer cures all and I found out on arrival many of the locals had the same thought!!
I pulled up to the cantina and inside were one of Chad's captains....my favorite one..Chicho, a couple of the mates Arturo and Chico, and most of Chad's construction workers...many of whom had worked on our house last year. I was met with yells of "Yewww" and "Loquero" (crazy). I stayed listening to Panamanian salsa and meringue for an hour or so and washed down the muggy evening with a few cold ones. Then the second good night of the evening took place and off we went. I again bounced down the old CA-1 towards Kevin's...almost groundhog dayish..lol
The best news was pulling up to the house to see the street light working....AC!!!!!!!!
Off to bed after another action packed day in Panama!!
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