We have decided to build a palapa. You do have to have a place to drink a beer at the end of the day ya know! This will be the view from it towards the west and the esterillo.
This view will be towards the North which isn't too shaby either!
I was shocked how well our road held up in this "tropical storm" rainfall we just had. Another load showed up this afternoon. One more and we will start putting more down.
Another shot of the road. The house will be just out of sight at the end of this road and to the right a little. On top of that hill will be the Palapa!
Well, the rain was incessant these past 5 days. More rain then I have seen in a long time. The system actually morphed into a tropical storm and played a little cat and mouse game with the Costa Rican and Panamanian coastlines for almost a week before finally coming onshore last night in Costa Rica. It was raining so hard at one point that the water coming off the roof looked like a waterfall. The rivers near here and David are swollen and dirty brown. It is actually a very good thing for Panama. The government offices have been closing at 1:30pm everyday for the past few weeks because of a shortage of water and hydro electric power from the big reservoirs near the canal and on rio batun (sp?). This last rain should help ease things as we enter the rainy season.
Winter is upon us here in Panama, that's right winter. It will start raining a couple of times a week for the next month and a half before really gearing up and raining in the afternoon almost everyday. Then come September and October and a LOT of rain everyday. They say in October it can rain all day for 24 hours straight and be considered normal! The important thing now is to take advatage of the next couple of weeks and get our foundation and outer structure in place so when the rains come we can be working inside on finish work.
There was a big swell in the water today and lots of wind with it unfortunately. I hope to go surf for the first time since I have been here in the next day or two...Will see
Till next time
The road looks great for having had that much rain dumped before it's been finished and settled. You must have been holding your breath when you went for the first look after the rain stopped!
Read about a helicopter crash in Panama City with a number if Chilean officials. Does that kind of news get talked about where you are?
The views from where the palapa will be look amazing! Can't wait for us to all be there toasting it together!
más tarde
Hey Tatum,
Yea the helicopter crash was on the news. It was flying from Colon which is the free trade zone to Panama City and went down about half way there...sad for sure...
A taca airlined airbus crashed in Honduras because it ran off the end of the runway on landing. 6 people were killed and 60 injured...weird how it seems to happen all at once huh..
The recent tropical storm created havoc for central america for almost a week so?
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