Friday, May 30, 2008


This backhoe is putting in a connection with public water lines to the bottom of the mountain and eventually up the mountain...This will be really good for us. The new owners of the land around us are really on top of things already.

The PVC seen here is the tiny water lines from one of the springs on the mountain. They will be installing much larger lines.

Well the pretty new truck is DIRTY already..LOL

The new truck is a beast for a 4cyl truck. I took up 6 loads of 3 bucket fulls each from the excavator of rock for our road. It's about a mile up the mountain and steep in two places. 4x4 the whole way up, but she did it in 4 wheel high with little issue and never even got hot! Stoked!!

This is Negra's truck going up the mountain in front of me.

more in a minute or two..hahah

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